Create Your PassageWay Account

Category: Getting Started
On this page:

    Welcome to PassageWay

    PassageWay is a self-hosted, secure password management server for DrawBridge users. PassageWay is an implementation of Bitwarden, largely compatible with the Pro version. Throughout this help portal, we’ll refer to PassageWay when discussing the Web Vault and server details, and Bitwarden when referring to the Clients and Browser extensions that connect to the PassageWay Vault.

    To create a PassageWay account on your server, visit the DrawBridge System Overview page to get your Server URL.

    PassageWay Homepage
    PassageWay Homepage

    Create Account Screen

    Once you’ve visited the PassageWay URL, the following screen will appear. Fill out all fields (Master Password Hint is optional) and click Submit when you’re finished.

    Create Account screen
    Create Account screen

    Verify Your Email

    Once you’ve created your account, prompt PassageWay to send you a verification email by logging in to your Web Vault and selecting the Verify Email button located at near the top right.


    We recommend using any one of these resources to learn the ropes: