Organizations FAQs

Category: Organizations
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    This article contains Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) regarding Organizations.

    For more high-level information about Organizations, refer to the following articles:

    Organization Administration

    Q: My Organization’s owner is no longer with the company, can a new owner be created?

    A: Only an Owner can create a new Owner or assign Owner to an existing user. For failover purposes, PassageWay recommends creating multiple Owner users. If your single Owner has left the company, Contact Us.

    Q: I have invited users but they cannot see shared items, what do I do?

    A: Invited users will receive an email asking them to join the Organization. First, make sure they have accepted the invitation. If they have, a Admin or Owner should navigate to ManagePeople, hover over that user, open the gear dropdown, and select Confirm.

    Q: What events are audited for my Organization?

    A: For a full list of what’s included in PassageWay Event Logs, see Event Logs.

    Q: My users don’t have permission to update desktop apps on their workstations. Can I turn off automatic updates for PassageWay?

    A: Yes! Add the environment variable ELECTRON_NO_UPDATER=1 to your desktop app template to prevent automatic update procedures from trying and failing on your end-user workstations. Learn how to set environment variables for desktop apps.


    Like with any software, running old versions may present a security risk.

    Sharing with an Organization

    Q: How do I “unshare” an item from my Organization?

    A: To unshare an item:

    1. Clone the item back to your Personal Vault by navigating to your Organization Vault and selecting Clone from the gear dropdown for the item you want to clone. Only users with User Type Admin or higher can only clone items into their Personal Vault by changing the Ownership setting.

    2. Delete the item from the Organization Vault by selecting Delete from the same gear dropdown.

    Alternatively, you can unshare items by moving them to a different Collection with higher Access Control restrictions.

    Q: How do I hide a password from my Organization’s users?

    A: Use the Hide Passwords option in the Access Control section when adding new users or editing existing ones in order to hide a given Collection’s passwords and hidden fields from them. For more information, see Access Control.

    Q: Does an item I move to the Organization stay after I leave?

    A: It does! When a user shares an item with an Organization, the Organization takes ownership of the item. Even if the user leaves the Organization or deletes their account, that item will remain in the Organization Vault.