Custom Fields

Category: Your Vault
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    Custom fields, available for any Vault item type, allow you to store additional well-structured data fields for a Vault item. Custom fields are saved as Name:Value pairs, and can be one of three types:

    • Text: Field value stores a freeform input (text, numbers, etc.)
    • Hidden: Field value stores freeform input that is hidden from view (particularly useful for Organizations using the Hide Password access control).
    • Boolean: Field value stores a boolean value (true/false).

    Custom Fields for Keys

    In addition to common web service inputs like PINs and Security Questions, Custom Fields can be used to store values up to 5000 characters in length, for example RSA 4096-bit SSH keys.


    Character limits for custom field values are imposed on the post-encryption character count. For example, a 3383-character RSA-4096 Private SSH key would grow to about 4400-characters when it’s encrypted and stored in your Vault.

    Auto-fill Custom Fields

    The Name specified for a custom field is critical to successfully setting up auto-fill for custom fields. When naming the custom field, you should use one of the following HTML form element attributes/values:

    1. HTML form element’s id attribute.
    2. HTML form element’s name attribute.
    3. HTML form element’s corresponding label value.
    4. HTML form element’s aria-label attribute.
    5. HTML form element’s placeholder attribute.

    PassageWay will search the matched-URI webpage for those HTML form element attributes/values in the above priority-order. If a custom field’s name matches one of those attributes/values, its value can be auto-filled into the HTML form element.

    Name to Attribute Matching

    Field Name to attribute/value matches is an exact and case-insensitive comparison. For example, if your custom field has the name PIN:

    • Auto-fill offered for pin, PiN, PIN, etc.
    • Auto-fill not offered for pin2 or mypin

    Field Name Prefixing

    There are two cases in which you can exercise more control over name to attribute mapping by using prefixes.


    Prefixing your custom field’s name with csv= allows you to specify multiple names to search for and compare to when auto-fill is performed. For example:

    csv=pin,pin2,mypin will offer auto-fill for all the above examples.


    Prefixing your custom field’s name with regex= allows you to perform regular expression comparisons when auto-fill is performed. For example:

    regex=pin will offer auto-fill for all the above examples.

    regex=^first.*name will offer auto-fill for firstName, First_name, and First Name

    Example Auto-fill Configuration

    Follow this procedure to correctly configure a custom field for auto-fill. This example uses Google Chrome for its Developer Tools.

    1. On the webpage that matches the Login item’s URI, right-click the field you want to auto-fill to and select Inspect.

      The HTML element will open and be highlighted in the Developer Console.

    2. Find and copy the element id (find id="xxx", where xxx is the element’s id value).
    3. In the relevant Vault item’s Custom Fields section, choose the appropriate field type and select the New Custom Field button:

      Select custom field type
      Select custom field type
    4. Paste the copied element id in the Name field.
    5. Specify the desired information to be auto-filled (in the above example, a PIN) in the Value field.

      Custom field example
      Custom field example
    6. Save the Vault item.