Lost Secondary Device

Category: Two-step Login
On this page:

    Losing access to your secondary device(s) (e.g. a Mobile device with an installed Authenticator, a Security Key, or a linked Email inbox) has the potential to lock you out of your PassageWay Vault.

    What to do when you’ve lost access to your secondary device(s) depends on whether you’ve saved your Two-step Login Recovery Code. If you’re unsure, remember that Recovery Codes need to be actively saved (i.e. PassageWay won’t save it anywhere for you) and look something like this:

    Sample Recovery Code
    Sample Recovery Code

    Have a Recovery Code?

    Excellent! If you have have your Recovery Code saved somewhere, you can use it to disable all Two-step Login methods from outside your Vault. Learn more here.


    Recovery Codes won’t disable Duo for Organizations. You can tell that a Duo prompt is Organization-wide by the (Organization) header, as in the following screenshot:

    Duo (Organization)
    Duo (Organization)

    If you’re locked out of your Vault by a Duo (Organization) prompt, reach out to the Duo Administrator at your company for help bypassing the prompt.

    Don’t have a Recovery Code?

    If you don’t have your Recovery Code saved somewhere outside of your Vault, there is unfortunately no way for the team to recover the account or data therein. You’ll need to delete your account and start a new one.


    Before proceeding to delete your account, try the following:

    1. If you’re using Duo, generate a bypass code. For Duo for Organizations, your company’s Duo administrator can generate a bypass code for you.
    2. Check if you’re currently logged in to any Bitwarden client applications (Mobile Apps, Browser Extensions, etc.). If you are, export your vault data to preserve your data.

    To delete your account:

    1. Navigate to companyname.passageway.id/#/recover-delete.
    2. Enter the Email Address associated with your account.
    3. In your email inbox, open the email and verify that you want to delete this PassageWay account.

    Once deleted, you’re free to create a new PassageWay account with that email address.