User Management

Category: Organizations
On this page:

    Onboard Users

    To ensure the security of your Organization, PassageWay applies a 3-step process for onboarding a new member, InviteAcceptConfirm.


    Teams and Enterprise Organizations can sync PassageWay to an existing user directory to automatically add or remove new users using the PassageWay Directory Connector.



    For Enterprise Organizations, we recommend configuring Enterprise Policies prior to inviting users to ensure compliance on-entrance to your Organization.

    To invite users to your Organization:

    1. Log in to your Web Vault and open your Organization.
    2. Open the Manage tab and select People from the left-hand menu.
    3. Select the Invite User button:

      Invite User
      Invite User
    4. On the Invite User panel:

      • Enter the Email address where new users should receive invites. You can add up to 20 users at a time by comma-separating email addresses.
      • Select the User Type to be applied to new users. User Type will determine what permissions these users will have at an Organizational level.
      • Select the Access Control to be applied to new users. Access Control will determine which Collections these users will have access to, and what level of access within those Collections.
    5. Click Save to invite the designated users to your Organization.

    Invitations expire after 5 days, at which point the user will need to be re-invited. Re-invite users in bulk by selecting each user and using the gear dropdown to Resend Invitations:

    Bulk Reinvite
    Bulk Reinvite

    If you’re self-hosting PassageWay, you can configure the invitation expiration period using an environment variable.


    Invited users will receive an email from PassageWay inviting them to join the Organization. Clicking the link in the email will open a PassageWay Client invitation window. Log In with an existing PassageWay or Create Account to accept the invitation:

    Invitation Window
    Invitation Window


    To confirm accepted invitations into your Organization:

    1. Log in to your Web Vault and open your Organization.
    2. Open the Manage tab and select People from the left-hand menu.
    3. Select any Accepted users and use the gear dropdown to Confirm Selected:

      Confirm an Accepted user
      Confirm an Accepted user
    4. Verify that the fingerprint phrase on your screen matches the one your new member can find in SettingsMy Account:

      Sample Fingerprint Phrase
      Sample Fingerprint Phrase

    Each fingerprint phrase is unique to its account, and ensures a final layer of oversight in securely adding users. If they match, select Submit.

    Offboard Users

    To remove users from your Organization:

    1. Login to your Web Vault and open your Organization.
    2. In your Organization, open the Manage tab and select People from the left menu.
    3. Select the users you want to remove from the Organization and use the gear dropdown to Remove:
    Remove Users
    Remove Users

    Deleting User Accounts

    Removing a user from your Organization does not delete their PassageWay account. When a user is removed they can no longer access the Organization or any shared items and Collections, however they will still be able to login to PassageWay using their existing Master Password and access any Personal Vault items.

    Depending on the particulars of your implementation, you may be able to use one of the following methods to delete a PassageWay user account that belongs to an offboarded user:

    1. If you’re self-hosting PassageWay, an authorized admin can delete the account from the System Administrator Portal.
    2. If the account has an email address that your company controls, you can use the delete without logging in tool and confirm deletion within the inbox. For more information, see Delete an Account Without Logging In.